A woman gives a business presentation to other women

The Art & Science of Persuasion

As you already know, Galvanize Action’s unique impact comes from meeting women at their values on all the polarizing issues that affect our lives. Not just the economy, and not just abortion, but gender equity, democracy, and all the top concerns research tells us to look at. 

Of course, we grow that unique impact by sharing everything we learn widely. Anyone who wants to understand moderate white women better or learn how to apply lessons from neuroscience to their work can explore a wealth of resources in the Art & Science of Persuasion Playbook—including you!

What’s in the Playbook? 

1. Messages & Ads

There are now 475+ tested, statistically-significant messages to explore! Some of the best ones for Galvanize Action’s audience have become fully-produced video messages, which you can explore by clicking through topic pages like culture wars and democracy. But keep scrolling on those pages to see memes, gifs, and text-based messages that resonate with women too. 

If you’d like to use any of the ads you find in the Playbook in your work connecting with women, just email partnerships@galvanizeaction.org to get started. 

2. Voter Understanding

2023 was a significant year for research; we learned a lot from the women we talked to! The Playbook already contained data-driven information about the measurable traits and values women in our audience hold, but layering on information about how women see themselves added valuable nuance. That’s how we learned how motherhood and caregiving show up as different facets of personal identity for different types of women, and how we came to understand that there’s a lot of anxiety and trauma underneath the “hedonism” of our youngest audience segment

What difference can moderate white women make in the communities you’re working in? We’ve applied new data to our model, so check out the updated interactive heatmaps to find out! If you’re interested in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Ohio, you can see more details in state-level maps.

3. Universal Lessons

If you haven’t already watched the short neuroscience videos in the Playbook, take a look now! Created in collaboration with Mindbridge, these videos shed light on how our human brains see the world, make decisions, and sort people around us into “us” and “them.” They also offer practical persuasion tips that you can apply to audiences in any discipline. Take a look at “The Rider and the Elephant” to get started!

When you’re ready to apply these universal lessons to your own persuasion work, the message planning tool in the Playbook can help you begin. The interactive worksheet will prompt you to think about what your audience cares about, and at the end you’ll get custom insights and examples for inspiration.

We believe in scaling our impact by sharing our work! All of our memes, gifs, and ads are available to you, either with the Galvanize Action logo or white label. To access them, please contact us at partnerships@galvanizeaction.org.

Visit the Art & Science of Persuasion Playbook at playbook.galvanizeaction.org.